Topics in Modern Polymer Chemistry and PhysicsTechnical University of DenmarkGeneral course objectives: The course goal is to give knowledge about subjects in modern polymer chemistry and to introduce to critical reading of the research literature. Further to give the participants presentation training. This is accomplished by reading papers presented by the other participants and by presenting papers. A final report on a literature study is prepared and peer reviewed by another course participant and finally handed in at the end of the course. Learning objectives: A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
Contents: The course covers a range of subjects in the fields of polymer chemistry and physics. Areas are defined in collaboration with the students and the teacher will ensure broadness in the subjects. The course will include training in literature search including citation analysis. The specific content of the course changes from semester to semester depending on the teachers and guests participating in the course and on the interests of the participating students. It is expected that the students prepare themselves for each of the presentations by reading background material. |