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PhD Course - Advanced experimental practices

Technical University of Denmark

General course objectives:
The purpose of the course is for the student to acquire knowledge and ability to plan, analyze and implement experimental and numerical research procedures.

Learning objectives:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
  • Explain a chosen research problem and current research method applied to it
  • Identify sources of uncertainty in a method method.
  • Distinguish and classify sources of uncertainty.
  • Quantify the impact of uncertainty sources on the research results
  • Develop a new method to improve statistical relevance of the results
  • Quantify the expected improvement with the newly developed method
  • Give caring&concrete&constructive feedback to peers’ analyses, and react appropriately to it
  • Apply feedback to revise and improve own work

The course will focus on error theory and methods to minimize uncertainties to achieve precise and statistically accurate results through individual analysis, classroom teaching and group discussion. The main course content here will be: - Introduction to sources of noise and errors: measurement noise, system noise, environmental effects, systematic errors, numerical precision, impact of numerical strategies etc. - System-specific analysis related to the project work chosen by each student - Design of improved research methods increasing the results’ precision - Interactive discussion with fellow students and teachers by providing, receiving, and reacting upon constructive, concrete and caring feedback - Quantify and discuss the improvements and limitations of the newly devised method


Course organizer
Michael , Francesco
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby