PhD course in advanced electrochemistryTechnical University of DenmarkGeneral course objectives: Building on a basic understanding of electrochemical concepts, the course covers advanced topics within electrochemistry and gives the student a better foundation for data verification and evaluation, as well as the means to design an electrochemical experiment. The course covers the application of selected DC techniques such as cyclic voltammetry, potential or current step experiments. In addition, the course covers AC techniques as well as the concept of an impedance spectrum and its application to the analysis of electrical circuits, materials and electrochemical systems. Furthermore, the course will give a detailed introduction to the design of experiments, electrochemical setup, and testing protocols. Learning objectives: A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
Contents: The course covers: thermodynamics, kinetics, transport mechanisms in liquids and solids and the use of porous electrodes. For electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), the following topics are covered: Basic concepts of conductivity, dielectric constant, impedance, admittance and their application in impedance spectroscopy. Data analysis of EIS using graphical analysis by Nyquist, Bode, Difference, Analysis of Difference in Impedance spectra (ADIS) , as well as quantitative impedance analysis via equivalent circuit models of electrochemical systems, non-linear least squares fitting. Also covered are design of electrochemical experiments, optimization of cell design, electrochemical hardware, electrode selection and reference electrode design. The course includes practical as well as theoretical exercises that serve to illustrate some of the electrochemical concepts. |