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PhD course in how to make a scientific poster

Technical University of Denmark

General course objectives:
Scientific posters are important as a means of communicating results at international conferences and creating contacts within the scientific community. After successful completion of this course, the students will have a significant toolbox for producing scientific posters that effectively communicate their scientific results/ideas with a professional and appealing appearance - and the students will be able to pitch their posters.

Learning objectives:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
  • Pitch a scientific topic via a poster in 2 minutes
  • Create a scientific poster that efficiently communicates scientific results
  • Recognize the do’s and don’ts of how to make a scientific poster
  • Specify and explain the scope of a scientific poster
  • Recognize and understand the recipient of the communicated scientific results and shape the scientific message to fit the target recipient
  • Give and receive constructive feedback
  • Master the graphical presentation and visualization of data in a clear way
  • Decide the appropriate amount of text and formulas on a poster relative to graphical content

This course introduces students to topics on how to make a scientific poster for efficient communication of scientific results. This includes hands-on exercises on how to make a poster in practice using existing templates. Additionally, students are introduced to proper formatting of figures for general scientific communication, such as posters and papers, e.g. fonts, line styles, colours and guides for the eye. The course moreover consists of two poster and feedback sessions. The students will each prepare and present a poster at each poster session. The students are expected to bring along their own scientific results or background for their posters, possibly as contribution to a later scientific conference. All poster sessions are mandatory for passing the course.


Course organizer
Rasmus , Peter Stanley
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby