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PhD course Hydrogen - a journey into key technologies, logistics and economy

Technical University of Denmark

General course objectives:
This is the third edition of a PhD winter school. The topic is “Hydrogen - a journey into key technologies, logistics and economy”. Lecturers from the six Eurotech Universities will give lectures. Furthermore, there will be poster sessions, discussions and a visit to a hydrogen site. The school covers the following topics: - Introduction of the overarching topic - Hydrogen basics and hydrogen production - Hydrogen transport and storage - Hydrogen consumption - Hydrogen legislation and safety

Learning objectives:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
  • Describe basics of the hydrogen value chain
  • Describe basics on how to produce green hydrogen through electrolysis
  • Name major options to store and transport hydrogen
  • Judge the economy of hydrogen production
  • Outline political strategies around hydrogen
  • Characterize the use / conversion of hydrogen
  • Describe technologies and status for hydrogen filling stations
  • Describe hydrogen safety

The lecturers will present fundamentals, technologies, and status of hydrogen production methods, of hydrogen transport/storage, and of hydrogen conversion. Political strategies will be presented and discussed. The participants will prepare posters and will exhibit and discuss them.


Course organizer
Anke , Christodoulos
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby