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Methods in electron microscopy and spectroscopy

Technical University of Denmark

General course objectives:
The purpose of this course is to provide the students with knowledge and practical skills within the key techniques of electron microscopy and associated spectroscopies: 1) transmission electron microscopy, 2) scanning electron microscopy, 3) X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy and 4) electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Furthermore, to determine micro and nano structure, as well as material composition and chemistry based on data collected using these tools. Students should be able to identify potential sources of error and pitfalls including electron beam artefacts in the acquired data. Finally, students should be able to form hypothesis using the acquired data and discuss the data in relation to complementary data. Students participating in this course should have a fundamental understanding of the structure of matter including basic knowledge of solid-state physics. This could be basic knowledge from solid-state physics. They should have basic knowledge about the laws of physics and how to apply them. After having completed the course, students should be capable of operating the tools independently.

Learning objectives:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
  • Discuss the different tools in the context of a specific characterization task
  • Construct an experimental approach for a specific characterization question
  • Explain data acquired using electron microscopy
  • Evaluate conclusions based on electron microscopy data
  • Combine and Integrate microscopy data with complementary data
  • Work safely, cleanly, politely, and independently in the DTU Nanolab microscope lab
  • Integrate electron microscopy in a research project
  • Assess data from the literature

The course covers theory of transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, including sources, optics and image formation. The physics behind image and contrast formation are covered for both microscopies as well. The Theory behind energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and electron energy-loss spectroscopy is introduced. The lab exercises make use of the aspects introduced in the lectures and covers practical data analysis using commercial software packages. The lab exercises also cover the practical use and operation of the instruments as well as best practice approaches for specific characterization tasks. In addition, the labs will provide the students with user access to the tools in the labs.


Course organizer
Thomas Willum , Shima
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby