Ocean Life Meeting SeriesTechnical University of DenmarkGeneral course objectives: In order to design and evaluate trait-based analyses and models of life in the ocean it is essential to understand the key concepts and methods within a wide range of research disciplines: theoretical ecology, marine ecology, ecological modelling, fluid mechanics, dynamics systems, as well as understanding the life strategies of the major forms of marine life, from viruses to whales. The general objective of this course is for the student to gain the understanding of these concepts, methods and life strategies through discussion of selected articles and research. Learning objectives: A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
Contents: The articles are selected by the participants. Classical as well as recent topics will be taken up. The background is described on the “Ocean Life” homepage: https://www.oceanlifecentre.dk/-/media/Sites/OceanLife/background/Proposal-for-the-extension-of-Centre-for-Ocean-Life.ashx Each session further features a special topic where students take turns to make 5 minutes of presentation (one presentation per session). Examples of former semester topics: “Pixar rules for writing”, “Show a beautiful figure”, “100 questions in ecology”. |