IKT617 Formal Descriptions and Related Tools
University of Agder
Course contents
- Modelling and meta-modelling for describing a domain precisely: approach, tools, state of the art.
- Notations, architectures and models for describing and analysing distributed communicating distributed systems, e.g. process algebras, mobile calculi, event-based vs. state-based formalisms.
- Notations, architectures and models for describing and analysing languages, e.g. abstract state machines, object constraint language, MOF, grammars. This is embedded in the use of a meta-modelling environment.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student is expected to:
- understand the research questions and research methods in formal methods as they are applied to mobile communication systems
- know the advantages and disadvantages of using formal methods depending on the application area be able to apply formal methods in their own specialization area
- be able to simplify and formally model complex problems
- have an in-depth understanding of the relation between models and reality in their own specialization area
- be able to compare different formal views on their own specialization area