IKT723 Wireless Prototyping using SDRs (Software Defined Radios)University of AgderContents The Wireless Prototyping Fundamentals course introduces to the rapid prototyping of wireless systems with the LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite. Students will learn how to navigate the LabVIEW Communications environment, including the panel, diagram, system designer, projects, and design languages. In this course, students will follow a typical design flow to design an algorithm and define the system architecture. Students will perform analysis and profiling and then convert a floating point algorithm to fixed point before compiling and deploying it to the FPGA. Students begin with building a VI, data transfer and communication. Advanced topics like programming in Parallel, FPGA Programming with LabVIEW, Multirate diagrams and FPGA will be introduced after covering basics. Using optimized FPGA VIs, designing with Clock-Driven logic and implementation of machine learning algorithms will also be covered in this course. At the end of this course, students will have a working OFDM transceiver. The student shall conduct a project dealing with recent (up to within the last few months) applications of SDRs in ICT. Learning outcomes -Use the NI Software Defined Radio platform for wireless prototyping using the LabVIEW Communications. -Design and run algorithms on the processor using the LabVIEW G, MathScript and C languages. -Design and run algorithms on the FPGA using the Multirate Diagram, FPGA IP, and Clock Driven Logic contexts. -Implement data transfer and communications methods to exchange data between the processor and FPGA. -Select the most appropriate language to begin your design based on algorithm requirements and structure. -Quickly design new communications systems and/or evaluate new wireless algorithms using real-world signals. -Implement machine learning algorithms in communication systems. |